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Gestures and Shortcuts for Windows 11

Touchpad gestures

Let's start with a list with touchad gestures, which is the touch panel that replaces the mouse by default on laptops. It is not always the most comfortable to use due to its size, but with these gesture commands you can make everything a little easier.

Shortcuts for controlling active windows

Let's start with the specific keyboard shortcuts with which you can perform actions in the window you have active. These actions can range from moving it to adjusting different areas of it. It is a good way to control this window in which you work without having to bring your hand closer to the mouse to perform the actions.

Shortcuts for controlling virtual desktops

Virtual desktops allow you to have different desktops with different sets of applications open on each of them. This way, you can have different contexts available when using Windows, something that can help you organize yourself better.

File Explorer Shortcuts

Shortcuts for text control

Shortcuts related to text control are possibly the most used in Windows, if only for copying and pasting texts. But there are many more to choose from, and here are a few that will help you with your tasks.

General Windows shortcuts

Now let's go with some general Windows shortcuts, with which to control things directly from the desktop to other elements of the operating system, such as its search engine or the widget panel.

Windows 11 Start Menu: what it looks like and how to customize it

Other small shortcuts to master Windows


And we end with a small collection of shortcuts for other functions that are a little more hidden or that do not correspond to the categories we have covered so far.

And with this repertoire of gestures and keyboard shortcuts any of you should be able to use Microsoft's new operating system at full speed. We have tried to include as many as we could on the list, but surely some have escaped us, so don't be afraid to advise us on others so that we can add them.

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